Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Just something new!

Don't you just love it?

Don't you just love how comedy makes you to point where you can't breathe anymore? I know I do. Some people don't find certain things funny (example): when someone purposely hits themselves for a cheap laugh . I would be the person in the corner with stereotypical therapist glasses saying ," Isn't that completely illogical ?" While scribbling notes in my notepad. True comedy is something you try at while ,you just might, get a laugh. True comedy is something that you have fun with and don't ruin it with trying to hard. Trust me I've seen so many people at my school and on the Internet trying so hard for a laugh more than likely coming from that drunk leprechaun stealing your computer constantly trying to find fail videos . Anyways what I'm getting to is that if you truly want to make people laugh don't try some crap you heard from bob ( The name I gave the drunk leprechaun) the truth is don't try at all. 

Ok that was just something I really wanted to get off my chest .

My book

In my last blog I mentioned that I was in the middle of writing a book. I am. I've always been a creative writer and I've always wanted to share that . When I got the assignment in my English class that I had to write a creative paper on what happened to Siddartha Gutama on his path to enlightenment I knew I wanted to write books.

I won't really talk a bunch about it , the book envolves how Ian from SMOSH is feeling like Anthony from Smosh is avoiding him for some odd reason. Not soon after Anthony starts acting weird a body was found close to smosh games head quarters , and Ian feels like he is more alone than ever. Melanie  his girlfriend is gone in Italy to do a tour of Europe , so he doesn't know what to do . In this comedic murder mystery with a little sprinkle of the delicious spice romance a friendship can be a deadly weapon used to string around people like little marionettes, but with a small piece missing the kindom they built up with hardwork and friendship could crash to the ground leaving nothing but regret and shame.

Hope you enjoy this blog ! Thanks for reading!


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Why Did I Make This Blog?

Why did I make this blog?

I made this blog for the simple fact that I want to share my ideas, findings, creativity, and love for HALARIOUS you tubers.

I'm a big fan of SMOSH , Shane Dawson , and/or other comedic you tubers. Sometimes I want to do something so crazy just for them to notice how much I appreciate them with all of my heart. I am 13 years old and I've often thought about what it would be like if I wasn't here anymore. After I went into depression after my 11th birthday and almost died eating my birthday dinner I started losing a very shocking amount of weight .Not long after I was introduced to SMOSH, Shane Dawson , etc. I was swept into my own world of HALARIOUS immature jokes and some silly skits but that world was my own world that took me away from everything: My Evily unhelpful family , grades , eating issues , and being separated from my only two TRUE best friends (yes I do have friends but they aren't really my TRUE best friends) most of the time I just lay down on my bed till 4:00 am and think about everything till I get so sad I make a bath and sit there for another hour and watch more you tube     and go to bed. I love Smosh and Shane Dawson so much and I just hope they know how much I do.

As you know because I've told you so many times before I love smosh and Shane Dawson so much, so I dedicate this blog to them and hope one day they see it and know how much they mean to me. 

I will post by weekly talking about my book I'm writing and new smosh and Shane Dawson videos, but I will also talk about what's happening with me and post some of my art and photography. 
                                      I hope you enjoy my new blog I love you guys!😄
                                                           Brittany  L.  Carden

P.S. Don't freak if I forget to post every week I have a terrible memory.